Travel Host

Travel Host

Dear Valued Guest,

It Is my great privilege to welcome you to visit Beautiful Bangladesh, This is Bilkis Nurun Nahar Bithe, however most people call me Bithe. I am CEO and owner of Core Air Express and travel host. Core Air Express established on the year 2011 to meet the demand for the tourists home and abroad.

As host, I look after all our guests personally. Because I At believe that "Your Holiday is my working day". Over the past years, Core Air Express has sent group/FIT to India, UAE, Bhutan, Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, Srilanka, Maldives, as well received guests frorn Australia, Korea, China, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Nepal, Bhutan, as well as Bangladeshi tourists.

Core Air Express is a rnember of TOAB, Tour Operators' Association of Bangladesh, PATA, Pacific Asia Travel Association, TGAB, Tourist Guide Association of Bangladesh, As well close associate with BTB, Bangladesh Tourism Board and BPC, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation.

As a responsible host, very important for us to do care of health, security, comfort and food as well valued time. Core Air Express selects world class boutique hotels, Tourist Hotels, 5.4* accommodation for corporate and FIT all over the world where we send OW guest. We assist for Visa services We provide air ticket and logistic support. . Travel with Core Air Express will offer memories by the help of our counterpart In abroad tours and a thoroughly enjoyable adventure. While venturing outside the capital city, travelers are guided by regional experts who know the area back-to-front and inside-out. You will marvel at their knowledge and enjoy a rare expenence of meeting with local communities.
Hope to see you soon. Thanks.


Yours Travel Host
Bilkls Nurun Nahar Bithe
Owner & CEO